Immensæ rex potentiæ
Finally getting around to the last chant from the Office for the Dead. This one is for evening prayer.Imménsæ rex poténtiæ,
Christe, tu Patris glóriam
nostrúmque decus móliens,
mortis fregísti iácula.O Christ, king of great power,
struggling for the Father's glory
and for our honor,
you broke the snares of death.Infírma nostra súbdiens
magnúmque petens prœlium,
mortem qua serpens vícerat,
victor calcásti móriens.Subduing our infirmities
which the serpent had conquered,
and engaging in great battle,
as a dying conqueror, you trampled death.Surgens fortis e túmulo,
pascháli nos mystério
peccáto rursus mórtuos
ad vitam semper ínnovas.Rising in strength from the tomb,
you return us who are dead in sin
back to life
by the Easter mystery.Vitam largíre grátiæ,
ut, sponsus cum redíeris,
ornáta nos cum lámpade
iam promptos cælo invénias.Grant the life of grace,
so that, when the groom comes again,
he might find us equipped with a lamp
prepared to go immediately to heaven.In lucem nos et réquiem
serénus iudex áccipe,
quos fides sanctæ Tríadi
devínxit atque cáritas.Serene judge, receive us
into light and peace,
us who have been closely united
by the faith and love of the holy Trinity.Tuúmque (-ámque) fámulum (-am),
qui (quæ) nunc exútus (-a) córpore
in regna Patris ínhiat,
ut te colláudet pérpetim. Amen.
(or, for many:
Fratres et omnes ádvoca,
qui nunc exuti córpore
in regna Patris ínhiant,
ut te colláudent pérpetim. Amen.)And may your servant,
now stripped of the body,
gape with amazement on the kingdom of the Father,
that he might praise you highly for ever. Amen.
(or, for many:
Call our brothers and everyone,
now stripped of the body
that they might gape with amazement on the kingdom of the Father,
so that they might praise you highly for ever. Amen.)
(Literally, "iácula" above means "fish nets"; hence "snares".)
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