07 April, 2010

Pope Benedict: Six accusations, one question

I expected Sandro Magister to report on the story surrounding the accusations against Pope Benedict. I didn't expect him to come to Pope Benedict's defense by pointing out that meritless accusations have been leveled by Benedict, and reported credulously by the international media, from the beginning of his pontificate:

[O]gni volta, su un terreno diverso, è colpito in Benedetto XVI proprio l'uomo che ha operato e opera, su quello stesso terreno, con più lungimiranza, con più risolutezza e con più frutto.

…I sei capi d'accusa contro Benedetto XVI, fin qui richiamati, aprono una domanda.

Perché questo papa è così sotto attacco, da fuori la Chiesa ma anche da dentro, nonostante la sua lampante innocenza rispetto alle accuse?

Un principio di risposta è che papa Benedetto è sistematicamente attaccato proprio per ciò che fa, per ciò che dice, per ciò che è.

(Each time, on each matter, the man attacked in Benedict is in fact the man who has worked and who works, on that very same matter, with greater far-sightedness, with greater resolution, and with greater fruit.

…The six principal accusations against Benedict XVI, recalled here, raise a question.

Why is this pope under such an assault, despite his clear innocence with respect to the accusations?

Any response must begin from the fact that Pope Benedict is under systematic attack precisely for what he does, for what he says, for what he is.)
Magister reviews six accusations against the pope, and argues (not, sadly, in sufficient depth) that they are not merely meritless, but the complete opposite of what the man has been doing during his life and his papacy. English translation here.

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