17 April, 2005

Qui lacrimatus Lazarum

Continuing with the series of translations of chants from the Office of the Dead; this is the hymn for midday prayer.

The hymn recalls three images of death from the gospels, asks Christ to help us overcome our own sorrow at someone's death, and further asks him to grant the dead person life. Notice the usual image of heaven in chant: a place where we sing to God, as if that is what everyone thinks of as the ultimate fulfillment. :-) Also: I believe that "the guilty" for whom Christ asks pardon, are those for whom he asks in the Gospel: Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.

Qui lacrimátus Lázarum
geménsque cum soróribus,
ipsum fecísti præpotens
illárum reddi stúdiis:
You wept for Lazarus
and mourned with his sisters,
showing great power,
you returned him to their elation:
Qui petivísti sóntibus
benígnus indulgéntiam,
ac verba miserántia
dixísti pœnæ sócio:
In kindness, you asked
leniency for the guilty,
and you spoke a merciful word
for your companion in punishment:
Qui, móriens, discípulo
matrem donásti Vírginem,
tuórum quæ fidélium
agóni adésset último:
Dying, you gave
your Virgin mother to your disciple,
she who would stand
by the final agony of your faithful:
Da nobis, Christe Dómine,
tuo redémptis sánguine,
duræ mortis tristítiam
in vitæ verti gaúdium.
O Christ our Lord,
grant us who have been redeemed by your blood,
to turn from the sorrow of hard death,
to the joy of life.
Tuúmque (-ámque, -ósque) voca fámulum (-am, -os),
ex hoc proféctum (-am, -os) sæculo,
ut ubi mors iam déerit
te vitæ canat (-ant) príncipem. Amen.
And call your servant(s),
who has (have) moved forward out of this age,
that the place where death now takes him (her, them),
be where he (she, they) may hymn the prince of life. Amen.

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